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Come, See the Miracle

Recently as I read the Book of Mormon, I read the story of Alma the Younger.  I've always loved this story (which I say about EVERY story in the BOM), and when you love a story and have read it many many times, it can be easy to overlook the lessons that are there.  Every time I read there is a new lesson (whether or not I pick up on it is a different story...).

At any rate, I started this particular session of scripture study with a question: how does Heavenly Father want my to use my gifts and talents to serve His children?

Because I had asked a specific question, my mind was focused on finding an answer.  I did largely skim over many of the details of the story (rebellious Alma and his trouble-making friends are out trying to lead people astray, when they are stopped and rebuked by an angel of God.  Alma is so astonished that he cannot move, and is carried home by his friends).  But when I got to this point, I knew I had found my answer: 
And [Alma's friends] rehearsed unto his father all that had happened unto them; and his father rejoiced, for he knew that it was the power of God.  And He caused that a multitude should be gathered together that they might witness what the Lord had done for his son, and also for those that were with him (Mosiah 27:20-21).
Alma (the dad) could see God's hand in the situation, even though it appeared to be quite a negative circumstance concerning his son.  Did he know how this was going to turn out?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  Either way, before the entire miracle was known, he recognized the hand of God, and called people to gather so that he could bear witness of God's goodness and the miracle at hand.  And it was a miracle.

My heart was so full as I read, recognizing that I, too, have experienced many miracles.  Miracles are often small, even imperceptible with our physical senses.  The greatest miracle to happen in my life has been when I have experienced a change of heart, through the Grace of my Savior, Jesus Christ.  The more frequently I soften and allow this changing miracle, the more often I see other miracles in my daily life.  And they are there.  Every. Day.

How does Heavenly Father want me to use my gifts and talents?  To gather people to see the miracles all around.  I had the opportunity to do that recently at Genius Bootcamp.  I had the opportunity to do that recently as I bore my testimony in Sacrament Meeting.  I have the opportunity to do that every day, anytime I interact with another of God's children.  And how thankful I am, both for the miracles, and for these beautiful opportunities.

Elder Hallstrom gave a marvelous talk in General Conference about miracles.  One of our family questions prior to this conference was, "How do I recognize the miracles in my life?" (Thanks to my 10 year old for that beautiful question!) When this same child heard Elder Hallstrom speak, she said, "Mom, I think this is an answer to our question."  Yes, my love, it absolutely is.

View Elder Hallstrom's talk by clicking the link: Has the Day of Miracles Ceased?

I promise you that miracles are all around.

Come, see the miracle.


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