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    So what is the Law of Gestation? It’s best explained with an analogy.

    When you plant a seed, does it grow right away? We may want it to, but it usually doesn’t. Instead, we have to wait for it to sprout and grow. And that takes time. A lot of time.


"Watermelon" by Jim, the Photographer is licensed with CC BY 2.0.
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    Of course, some seeds take longer than others. In order to get watermelons, you would  have to wait about 80 days for the watermelon seed to grow into a watermelon plant. For something smaller, like radishes, you might only have to wait for 2 or 3 weeks before you can harvest. The Gestation period varies as widely as the variety of plants you can grow. Trick question: if you plant a watermelon seed and leave on a trip for 80 days, will the watermelon be grown when you get back? The answer is no! You need to stay with your seed, you need to water and fertilize it and keep the weeds away, in order to get fruit from it. 

    Thoughts are exactly the same way. When you get an idea that you like, the Law of Gestation teaches that you have to wait for a specific, finite time before that idea is achieved. The time varies between ideas, but it’s almost certain you need to wait. Fortunately, while you are waiting, there is something you can do to help the process. Like watering and fertilizing a seed, taking care of and supporting your idea will help it grow. 

    In this age of efficient and quick machines, we have started to get used to the fact that things don’t take much time anymore. We can clean the house in a matter of minutes, drive far away in a matter of hours, and receive packages in a matter of days. And so, when we want an idea to become a reality, we expect the same thing to happen. We believe that we can want something and have it happen in the amount of time it takes us to do other things. After all, since we can communicate with someone far across the globe in seconds, why can’t we turn our dreams into reality right away?

    I have wondered this same question quite a lot. The truth is, I’m not a very patient person, so I like it when things happen quickly and I don’t have to wait. I like getting things the second I want them. 

Case in point, when I was younger my mom taught me about visualization. She would tell me that if I looked into the mirror and told myself things, over time they would begin to happen. I thought this idea was great, and started visualizing to myself right away. I’m fairly sure there has never been a more enthusiastic person than I was to get started. That being said, there were a couple of things that I immediately got wrong with the process. First of all, rather than telling myself I was confident and successful I decided to ask for a cool two-thousand-dollar check to come in the mail. Each morning I would wake up, look at myself in the mirror, and say, “Treysen, today is the day you’re gonna get that check.” My mom heard me several times and kindly tried to point out what I was doing wrong, but I didn’t listen. I just kept plugging right away. For about a week.  After about seven days of not getting my check, I became discouraged. And made my second mistake. I stopped doing it. I stopped visualizing, stamped my foot and called it all fake. There was no way this worked, I said to myself, since I had repeated to myself for an entire week that I was going to get a 2,000 dollar check in the mail and the universe had the audacity to not give me one. Once again my mom tried to explain to me why it had happened but once again, I didn’t listen. Because I didn’t get my idea right away, I stopped trying.

    I had learned that the gestation period of a 2,000 dollar check in the mail was too long. Would I have gotten the check if I had kept visualizing? I don’t know. But what I do know is that by ignoring the Law of Gestation, I removed any chance, no matter how small, of fulfilling my idea. In essence, by giving up too early, I stopped watering the seedling since it wasn’t growing fruit yet. 

    On a positive note, I now know what I did wrong, and I have the chance to change the way I think and react to my thoughts to make them become more. More of a positive force, and more of an opportunity to make me a better person. And you have the same opportunity. You have the chance to use your patience to benefit your life. The only question now is whether or not you take that chance. 

    In my opinion, it’s the best decision you will ever make.



  1. If you were to visualize your $2,000 check now, what would you do differently? How do you think the other laws would come into play? Teach me how to get my own $2,000 check!


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