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Come, Follow Me

We're a few weeks into the Come, Follow Me curriculum that the Church as moved to.  We have studied a couple of lessons as a family, and I have taught one of the lessons in Gospel Doctrine.  So far so good, and I have had some really wonderful insights.  But I've really been struck in the last week about the ability the Lord has to guide us and teach us in such individual ways, if we will listen.

I wish I could articulately describe the learning process for me over the last few days, but try to explain it would leave me rambling.  I guess the best way to succinctly say it is that I started in one place and ended in someplace totally unexpected.

After accepting and completing President Nelson's challenge to read the Book of Mormon by the end of 2018, I thought I would let the Book of Mormon be less of a focus for me this year, and spend the bulk of my study time in the New Testament.  But after a few days without regularly feasting on the Book of Mormon, I quickly changed my mind.  I recognized so many blessings, so much strength that has come to me over the last couple of months BECAUSE of the Book of Mormon, that I decided I was not willing to give that up!  So I started reading the Book of Mormon again.  And, again, I decided to highlight every instance of the Savior and His work.  It has been wonderful so far!  I'm learning even more deeply than I did through the last months of 2018.

Highlights and lots of notes 
But what has really been interesting is the effect of studying both the New Testament and the Book of Mormon together.  And it's not because I'm gaining magnificent scriptural insights (although I'm sure those are forthcoming!).  What I am noticing is an increase in my ability to receive and recognize revelation because I made the effort to follow the prophet, and because I continue to make an honest (though very imperfect) effort to continue to follow the prophet's counsel. 

On Sunday our family studied Matthew chapter 2 and Luke chapter 2.  At the end of Luke 2 is a single scripture that gives us insight into the Savior's childhood:
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

As a mom in the thick of raising children of all ages, this verse really hit home.  But the way it combined with other verses I was studying in the Book of Mormon let me know that Heavenly Father is aware of me and my family, and knows exactly what we need.  And He is giving it to me, just as fast as I can comprehend it. 

How can I help my children to increase in wisdom and stature?  What do those things mean?  What does Heavenly Father want for our family?  What things must I do in order to receive the blessings He is waiting to give us?  I think about these questions often--they are like a constantly-running dialog in the back of my mind.  But as I continue to study and ponder, they are taking on new depth, new detail, and I'm receiving new answers.

And the whole point of this somewhat rambling post...the Lord knows just what you need, too.  He's ready and waiting to give it to you.  It probably won't look exactly like you're expecting it to, but the blessings that come from being humble and submitting to the Lord's will are unparalleled.  And as you humbly follow the commandments, He prepares you for far greater blessings than you can imagine. 

In 1 Nephi 17, Nephi describes some of the blessings that he knows God has in store for them, in addition to describing the blessings his company has already received.  Nephi had faith in God and was certain of the blessings to come.  So he did his very best to obey the commandments of the Lord.  He was determined to qualify for the blessings that he knew he needed.  I am growing more and more certain of the Lord's blessings, and like Nephi, I am determined to be ready to receive them. 


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