I finished reading the Book of Mormon yesterday. I began last October, in response to President Russell M. Nelson's invitation to the sisters in the General Women's Meeting.
Why did I do it? And what did I gain from it?
It strengthened my testimony of the Book of Mormon. This book is a true record of people who lived on this earth, who knew Jesus Christ and his gospel. They recorded their experiences, good and bad, for our benefit. We don't have to experience the same consequences, born of their iniquity, if we will learn from their mistakes.
It is another testament of Jesus Christ. One of President Nelson's specific challenges was to pay special attention to every mention of the Savior and His work. I started by marking every phrase that included mention of the Lord: the Lord warns, the Lord commands, the Lord hears and answers his people's prayers. The Lord calls prophets to teach and instruct his people. The Lord strengthens, the Lord protects, the Lord prepares the way for us. The Lord has a plan, prepared from the beginning, for our salvation and exaltation. "He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation" (2 Nephi 26:24). My understanding of Jesus Christ and His role as my Savior has increased, as has my love for Him. He died for me! He is carrying me every day! My success is assured because He was successful in His mission. As long as I choose Him, I can't lose.
This invitation to read the Book of Mormon in such a short time frame came during one of the most (already) challenging periods of my life. Teaching is a rough gig. Parenting is a rough gig. Combine the two, and it has been tough! Life in general is requiring more from me than ever before. Adding to that the challenge of reading the Book of Mormon cover to cover seems to be too much. I don't have time for a lot of things I still need to do, so how will I find time for that? I found time at 5:30 in the morning. Somehow I was able to get up and study early in the morning and still manage to stay up sometimes until midnight preparing lessons for the next day. Somehow, even with the lack of sleep, I have stayed healthy. Somehow, my kids and husband are surviving. The house is a mess, the meals are no longer the result of "reflection and study," with menus "planned in advance, timed to perfection." Nope, we are just getting by, but we ARE getting by. It's the perfect circumstance for exponential growth for all of us, and reading during this period of life has ensured that growth, without bitterness or complaint. We all know it's hard. And we all know that it's a huge blessing.
Why would I take on such a challenge at such a time in my life? Because I learned years ago that there are blessings from following God's prophet. Because I know the power of this book, and I know the power of obedience, and I know that I need God's love and power in my life.
Can reading a few pages a day really make such a difference?
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