Have you ever walked into a room and you can tell someone has been arguing and fighting even though you didn’t hear or see the fight? That is because you can literally feel the vibration that people are giving off. In contrast, you can feel a different vibration in a place you love to be because your vibration is harmonious with the surrounding environment and you vibrate at the same frequency. Everything around us vibrates. The law of vibration refers to a person’s emotional state. What kind of “vibe” they give off is what we feel or recognize as emotions.
Everyone’s vibration is different. Not only do we have a range of vibrations or moods, but we also have vibrations that feel good to us. For example, the law of vibration is something used in Nepal. There they have things called singing bowls. The rubbing of the wooden stick covered in cloth around the rim of the bowl causes the bowl to vibrate which creates the tone for that singing bowl. Most people in Nepal believe that the body gives off strong vibrations. These vibrations are found all over the body. Most people try to find a singing bowl that is in tune with their heart chakra. When I visited Nepal, I had the experience of getting one of these singing bowls with my dad. We tried around 30 different bowls to find the one that fit my dad the best. It had the same vibration as him and so he bought it. The bowls come in all shapes and sizes to fit everyone. There were lots of bowls there because everyone has a different vibration."hamburg - singing bowls" by mh.xbhd.org is licensed with CC BY 2.0.
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Our emotions are vibrations as well. Vibrations come in a range of lots of moods-from despair to love, fear to hope, and so much more. However, things with similar vibrations are drawn to each other like a magnet. That’s why you are friends with the people you are friends with. You have the same vibration as them and so you are drawn to each other. On the other hand, things with different vibrations repel each other in a similar way.
Another way we can use vibration is by being in tune with things. When an orchestra plays, all the instruments are playing separate parts. The different tones they create are the result of different vibrations. But because they are all in harmonious vibration with each other --in tune with each other--they create a marvelous piece. We can also use this when we are trying to seek personal revelation from God. The Holy Ghost speaks to us in a still small voice. In order to hear that voice, we need to be in tune with the Spirit. Sometimes it’s hard to do this. In order to do so, we have to create an environment of peace and love, because that’s when the Spirit is most present.
The great thing about vibration is that you can change the way you vibrate! By recognizing how you feel and what vibe you are giving off, you can change your vibration to be whatever mood you want! Usually, we have to actually do something to bring up our vibration. This can include making a list of things we’re grateful for, smiling more, doing an act of service for someone, listening to uplifting music, cleaning something, going outside, doing what makes you happy, meditating, or praying. Vibrations are everywhere and in our everyday lives. Always use the vibration that you give off to help change other’s vibrations to better ones and uplift them!
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