I experienced a true miracle today: I discovered that I love my body. Really? you ask. A miracle? Let me explain. I am a firm believer that the greatest miracle I can experience is a change of heart, because it involves the wills of two individuals--God's and my own. God can command the elements and they will obey, but He will not allow His will to supersede our own. Therefore, in order for our hearts to change, we have to be willing to be changed. Not only that, but when our hearts are truly changed, then we become open to the multitude of miracles awaiting us on the other side of that change. But I was not willing. For a very long time. AND...I didn't even know it. But last week as I was driving around town, I had this overwhelming realization hit me--I hated my body. Hated. And I had hated it since I was 10 years old. Body-image memories flooded me. I specifically remembered listening to other girls talk in jr. h...