Home school has been a challenge lately. I thought--years ago, when I was planning to home school all my children--that I had it all figured out. That I understood what it would take for me as the mom to teach my children life-lessons AND acedemics. That I would be able to handle--even predict--the challenges that lay ahead. Not so much. I feel like a complete novice. The baby steps as I go through this learning process are difficult, because I expect to be immediately successful at everything. Often, when I'm not, I give up. That's not an option in this situation. For whatever reason, my daughter needs to be home, and for whatever reason, I need this experience with her. It is heartwarming and bittersweet to hear her pray in the mornings, thanking Heavenly Father for this home school opportunity, knowing that at some point during the day she will probably melt down and scream at me because she doesn't like what she's learning. I can h...